Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I’m back!

Didn’t mean to be gone so long in the first place. Actually, didn’t mean to be gone at all, but from here on out, I will strive to do better. More on why later. Anyways, I’m sure some of you are wondering where I’ve been. I had to ask myself that as well. Here it goes, I spent the month of January working, working out, spending time with Levi, family and friends, and anticipating what the year of 2010 would bring. Then in February, unbeknown-st to me, it brought a romantic relationship. Yep, I finally get to the point of being content being single and nowhere near getting and being married anytime soon and BAM! RELATIONSHIP! The relationship started off nice and wonderful, but at the end of the day, it just wasn’t meant to be. The break up happened relatively recently and I’m doing better mentally and emotionally than I did the first time I survived a break up. I wish I could credit it as being breaking up gets easier the more it happens, but I’m not convinced of that. I am convinced it’s easier to let go when fundamental standards and values were not compromised along the way. That’s not to say I reflect back, on the relationship and think everything was perfect, but I can look back with no regrets. Anyways, enough about the relationship for now.

Anyways, after the relationship, I had time to think with a clear head and begin to wonder, “What now?” Instantaneously, the answer was “Blog”. Not sure about the rest of you out there, but when I ask a question and get an answer out of the blue like that, from previous experiences, it was usually Holy Spirit speaking to me. Now, you all know that blogging isn’t a new thing for me, but being consistent and disciplined about it would be. So this time around if there are those out there who are keeping up with me (plan to blog at least once a week) and you start to see that I’m not typing on a weekly basis, I give you permission to hold me accountable. Okay??? Okay!!! Some are probably wondering why I’m making a big deal about this whole blogging thing. Well, I’m gonna tell you. To be honest with you, I believe at this point of my life it is one of the things I’m a called to do. I’m not sure if I wanted to say it’s my ministry, but I intend to treat it as such. Since, I was a kid I loved to write. Even thought about majoring in English in college. But me being the planner I was, was concerned that an English degree wouldn’t provide me with a consistent paycheck. Besides, I love helping people and watching them mature mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What better profession outside working in the church to get involved in than social work? (Smile) Fast forward to more recent years, busy schedule, shift in priorities, distractions, lack of self-motivation and self-discipline has led me to blog on an very inconsistent basis. Although at times I’ve had PLENTY to blog about---not just the weekly happenings of my life, but also what Holy Spirit was/is speaking to me and at times wanted to speak through me. I know I have spent plenty of time procrastinating and avoiding going forth in ministry (small steps---Matthew 25:23) because of fear, laziness, discouragement, and so many other gamuts of emotions and thoughts that run through our human minds. I’m ready to see what the journey of being faithful, consistent, and obedient leads me. As I do this, I expect my readers to do the same.

Until next time....