Well, as you can see I didn’t write a blog last week. No, I wasn’t being lazy or forgot. I just felt led to be quiet for a week in blog sphere. Although, I had plenty to talk about, sometimes the best one can do is be quiet and still, by doing so you will be amazed by some of the things that God brings to your attention---some forgotten, some avoided, some new ideas, or some right in front of your face the entire time, but for whatever reason you were blinded. Anyways, since I’ve been “decluttering” my life in the recent weeks, I’ve been able to focus on the things that God has placed on my heart. It was so interesting, because the other night while at work pushing the chairs in, I asked myself, “Do I really want to do this thing? I’m finally at a place where I am comfortable and content in life, for the most part love my life and by doing such and such is adding more responsibility, uncertainty, change, and causing me to have to discipline myself even more.” I even mentioned to myself that with my schedule change, it would affect me walking my dog on a consistent schedule that he and I have gotten used to. Then it dawned on me that life is not about comfort, in fact it’s been said, when things become too comfortable that means something is wrong. You are no longer growing, but becoming and remaining stagnant. I’m not sure about you readers out there, but as a human being and more importantly a Christian, that is the last thing I want to do. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that by preparing myself for this next phase in my life, I will ultimately be preparing myself to serve in the ministry (leadership role) somewhere down the road. So I’ve been doing some research and taking baby steps in the direction I am now headed. So that’s what I’ve been up to.
Now let me tell you what I’ve been reading! It’s a book on fasting, “Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough” by Elmer L. Towns. I’m only on chapter four and I have to say I really like the book. It talks about the various types of fasts and their significance. I still would recommend the other book on fasting that I mentioned a few years back, but just like we read more than one book on every other topic in the Bible, why should fasting be any different? As always, I think you all should read the book, but I will type out some quotes I have come across so far while reading:
“When you take control of your physical appetite, you develop strength to take control of your emotional appetite”
“When Satan control our thoughts, he controls our lives. When he lies to us about our lives, we are in bondage”
“Faith is recognizing God’s strategy and submitting to it”
“You never gain an outward victory over sin until you take inner responsibility for your actions. You cannot journey without until you have journeyed within. Just as the rings of a tree tell us it grows from the inner to the outer, so Christians must develop inner character before they can deal with the outer problems. The roots must grow before there is fruit”
“Emotional eyes are blinded with tears. Fearful eyes are blinded with terror.”
“The problem you long to free from, however, may actually be the circumstance that allows you to become what you long to be”
Profound and on point, wouldn’t you say? Go buy the book,it’s certainly worth having in your library!
Until next time....
“Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:3-5 (NKJV)