Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What's Good Got to do With It?

Hope everyone is doing well. :) I decided to make this particular blog post short and succinct. I'm just going to throw this out there for whoever needs to read this now to have time to contemplate, meditate, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you about where you are. After all, at the end of the day when we are faced with eternity, it won't matter what others around us did or didn't do, but what we did.

We have to remember that being good doesn't get up anywhere with God if He doesn't have a personal relationship with us. Somewhere along the lines humanity (and the church) decided to substitute and blur the lines of goodness for holiness. With goodness, something that can be do in our own strength requiring no faith, but holiness is something that can only be done by the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. There is a reason that holy means "set apart". Have you ever thought how can we separate ourselves from ourselves? That's because we can't, Someone else, namely the Holy Spirit has to do that. This same Person will determine if we enter into Heaven or not (Matthew 7:21-24) Those who choose to allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in them are agreeing to be a conduit for what He's called us to say, do, experience at this time. The other camp is, are the people who say, "I'll do my own thing of how and when I please." Goodness isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't really require crucifying the heart and ourselves, because at times it can cause to be become more puffed up in our own works (Proverbs 18:12). Always remember, people can do good things with ill motives. God is moved by the heart. He's even more moved by a heart that is after Him (Jeremiah 17:10).

Until next time....