Sunday, October 9, 2016

Yes, Our Voice Matters... Are We Speaking to Who We Should be Speaking To?

Hi all,

I will preface to say this post isn’t for those who have decided they are voting this election season. I know when it comes to politics, it’s something of the heart and that’s only something the Holy Spirit can reveal and change. This post is for those who are still trying to decide if they will vote or if they aren’t voting, being okay with that decision. This is for those who want to make sure they are being led by the spirit and not the flesh (Romans 8:5). I want say to those who feel that this election is different than the others, let me reassure you, you are right. For a long time now I have believed that politics is a reflection of the hearts of those in society. What we are tolerating and accepting now wouldn't have been a consideration 10 or 15 years ago. However, when people individually start allowing sin and darkness to creep into and overtake their lives, then it happens on a societal level as well.  This is what we are seeing during this election campaign. I have heard it said that those who are considering not voting or those who have chosen not to vote are being cowards. I beg to differ. Deciding not to is not a decision that is thoughtlessly and carelessly made. If anything, it is made with much sobriety and conviction that I personally feel only the Holy Spirit can bring. It's so easy to swayed by the masses and to join in the arguments and shouting from either side, but it takes much discipline, restraint, and a sound mind to say, "Let me step aside, go to my prayer closest and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what I need to do in this situation".  For those of you who are still trying to reconcile the idea of not voting, I will provide you with some food for thought in this post for you to mediate and pray on.

The first thing I want to say is that both sides are wicked---neither have shown any fruits of living an upright life or one that reveres the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, Jesus Christ. I know some people argue that you have to vote for the lesser of two evils, but I haven't been able to come across a Bible scripture that supports that. Most of the ones that I have read have been along these lines--- "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."---Isaiah 5:20. When it comes to good and evil, there doesn't appear to be a gray side, it's either/or. I once heard a professed Christian say they believed that the candidate for the Republican party was meant to stand in the gap for the American people. I was taken aback by that, because I didn't realize that as Christians we were now looking at someone who has lived a questionable lifestyle to "save" us from ourselves. (Disclosure: both Democratic and Republican candidate’s lifestyles should make it pretty apparent and obvious they don’t represent Christian values in any shape or form). 

People say by voting we are standing for righteousness. Again, I'm not sure what scripture people are using to base that reasoning off of, but we know in 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." If we break this down it's saying that if those who serve the Most High and Living God would humble themselves and pray and seek His will (not a politician’s), and turn for their wicked ways (note---ones who claim to serve the Most High, not those who have decided to blatantly reject Him), then will He hear us and forgive our sins (note OUR, not the country's or the world's, but those who serve the God of the Bible as Lord of their lives). It also says that when this happens HE will heal our land, not some right or left wing politician, but Him. This reminds me of Exodus 14:4-5, where God hardened the heart of Pharaoh. This was done, so that the children of Israel would know that it was God who freed and rescued them and not Pharaoh (read Exodus 14:13). God refuses to share His glory with anyone else, including a president. If you read 1 Samuel 8 (the entire chapter), you will also see that Samuel tried to warn the people not to put too much hope and faith in a human king, but they refused to listen. When I hear Christians talk about this year's election it seems they believe that if we can get the "right" person in office then we will be able to "fix" the things that need fixing. Laws don't change people hearts, but only the spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:11-14).   I hate to say this, but issues that are we seeing in the natural now are because of spiritual issues/sins we chose to ignore in the past. People need to remember that the heart of the king is in His hand (Proverbs 21:1). It doesn't matter who is in the office. If and when God wants to do something he will use the leader whether righteous or corrupt to get His will done.

FDR once said that, "Presidents aren't elected, but selected". If that is the case, then why are Americans being encouraged to vote? It's not confirmed, but I have heard that when we vote, we aren't necessarily voting for the actual issue or candidate, but to give consent to this world's system.  Some people might think this is a conspiracy theory gone too far, but I do find it baffling that we have elections where the citizens of the U.S. cast their ballots saying who they want in office, only to have another group of people called the electoral college who are made up for mostly U.S. Representatives and Senates, who make the final decision of who gets in office. What is the point of having a popular election and then an electoral one? I'm sure someone out there can reason and justify the reason for this, but why propagate this lie that our vote matters and count when ours aren't the end all be all?!?! I do realize, especially as a Black person living in this country that the ability for me to have the choice to vote didn't come without some sacrifices of those who came before me. However, I also have to acknowledge that as a person who claims to be a child of the Most High God, I can't compromise my spiritual convictions. I and every other human being has to give an account on the day of judgement (Romans 14:12) on the choices made in this life. I am in no way perfect, but I can't go against of a conviction of mine to join the masses. The more I or anyone does that, the easier it becomes to start going through the wide gate (Matthew 7:13-14).

I'm not sure when and where American history got distorted. Growing up, I remember hearing how this nation was founded on godly principles and was once a Christian nation. Upon doing some research the past few years and more intensely the past few months, I've come to learn that's the furthest thing from the truth. Do your own research and learn more about Christopher Columbus, the founding fathers and their deistic beliefs/freemasonry affiliations, what the U.S. government is really modeled after, and not to mention literally building a nation on the backs of those enslaved from Africa whose reparations still haven’t been paid. Our country's history isn't as pristine as the textbooks tell us. When one is willing to see this country in its entirety, it’s easier to see that we shouldn't make idols of anything---including patriotism and pledging allegiance to anyone other than God.

As I mentioned in my other posts, I do believe that we are living in the end times. That being said, I don't know if that means we have days, weeks, months, or years to prepare ourselves or not. I do know that it means we have to keep reminding ourselves, that the world is not our home (1 Peter 2:11-12). We have to put on the whole armor of God on a daily basis (Ephesians 6:10-18). We have to allow God to circumcise our hearts (Deuteronomy 30:6). We also have to remind ourselves that we are warned in Revelations 18:4 that we need to come out of Babylon---we might not be able to get out of this country, but we can at least work on changing our hearts and minds not to be so easily accepting of this demonic world system. With the climate of this election along with everything else going on lately, it's becoming easier and easier to tell the wheat from the tare. The Bible does say in the last days the dark will get darker and the light lighter (Isaiah 60:1-3).

One thought I've had lately is that by not voting its good practice for the times we are entering in. One, it causes us to be more discerning and not do things because of the traditions of men and just going through the routines of doing what we've always done without an afterthought. Another is practicing the skill of learning to stand alone and being at peace with it. Peace is a commodity that many will seek, but few will find in the upcoming days, weeks, years. Make sure yours is anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing else (Philippians 4:7).

Until next time...