Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Joy of Being Content, but Preparing Ourselves for the Next Phase of Life

Have been doing some research lately and have concluded at this time I will be using the Hebrew names of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is my hope in a future blog post to share my journey to this place.

Jesus Christ=Yahushua Hamaschiach
Holy Spirit= Ruach Haqodesh

Hope everyone is getting a productive start to the 2017 year! :) Recently, I spent time reading some of my old personal journal and blog posts and I must say it has been interesting to see the transformation in how Ruach Haqodesh has graced me during the upheaval and curveballs that life circumstances have brought my way. One thing that I’ve come to peace and even grateful for is being single. The reason I say that is the more I have come to learn and appreciate that marriage is not something that should be taken lightly at all. I’ll admit, it the past I saw marriage through a rose-colored glass. I thought about how marriage would make me feel like I had reached a rite a passage in life. I do believe that marriage is important and know that Yahuah regards marriage as an honorable institution and holds it in high regards—Matthew 19:4-6/ Hebrew 13:4. I will say that as someone who is in a prolonged season of singleness, it does seem as if the Church has turned marriage into something that a person can “earn” as a high prize. Which tends to leave people who aren’t married feeling that until it happens they aren’t really living their full potential. According to 1 Corinthians 7:32-35, it says that when a person is unmarried they can do things for the Yahuah without distractions, whereas as married person’s ability is limited. With that being said, for those of us who are single and aren’t really wanting to be, don’t become discouraged. I do believe that our time as singles can be used for something greater than ourselves and just like there’s a calling in marriage, there is also a calling in singleness. One of those callings, is preparing ourselves for marriage. Now, please know I’m speaking to those who have prayed and know that they are to be married. I truly believe that I’m supposed to be married, but I should admit when I look around the prospects don’t look that great at all. But if I call myself a daughter of the Most High, I can’t go by what I see with my natural eyes, but what the inner witness aka Ruach Haqodesh instructs me to do. For everyone that will be different. Some need to learn how to strengthen their domestication skills (cooking, cleaning, budgeting, etc.). Others, how to improve their interpersonal and communication skills and resolve conflicts/issues better.

The area I want to talk about is one that I don’t hear mentioned as often as I would like. People need to learn how to fight for their marriage. I’m sure some are wondering how can one fight for something they don’t have. Simple, before something manifests in the physical, it starts off in the spiritual. When I look at marriages nowadays, even Christian ones, it’s a miracle that it’s an institution still standing. Satan has made it his business to destroy marriage in and out of the Body of Yahushua. Marriages and families are barely hanging on by a thread. I was listening to a sermon recently and a pastor was encouraging the people in his congregation to want to be married. He was telling the men to man up and allow the Ruach Haqodesh to lead them to their wife. He then told the women they needed to be still and not go around chasing for a husband, but to pray to be chosen. Honestly, until I heard this, I never considered doing this. Since then, I have personally been praying and marinating on that. This past week, I was impressed to elaborate on this. So now my prayer is to be chosen by the right person, for the right reason, at the right time. Now, I am going to break down what all this means and why it’s important.

Being married in and of itself shouldn’t be the goal. Being married to the person that Yahuah has ordained/approved for you to be married to should be the goal. Marriage is hard enough, so it should definitely be with a person who is going to be the right fit for you and vice versa, you for them. You need to marry someone who is going in the same direction as you and you both have the same foundational beliefs. Two people with two different views and standards in life will have difficulty in fulfilling the duties of a Yahuah-led marriage (2 Corinthians 6:14).

 The second thing is that someone might want to be married but it might not be for the God-ordained reason. Ephesians 5:22-33, which states “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to Yahuah. For the husband is the head of the wife as Yahushua Hamaschiach is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Yahushua Hamaschiach, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Yahushua Hamaschiach loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.  After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Yahushua Hamaschiach does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Yahushua Hamaschiach and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” 

 If you or the other person read Ephesians 5:22-33 and aren’t able or willing to fulfill those statues then, you and them aren’t entering marriage for the right reasons. One should really reconsider if marriage is something they are called to. Lately, I’ve been able to see why I wasn’t ready for marriage before now. I didn’t know who I really was and didn’t really understand and appreciate my created role as a wife and mother. I also know that I wouldn’t have been prepared to gird my marriage from the wiles of Satan and understand that to have a marriage that’s Yahuah-ordained, it has to be fought for every single day, just as I have to fight in renewing my mind on a daily basis. Marriage requires grace (and lots of it!), which I didn’t even know to pray for until recently. I know that people say there is no way you can be ready for marriage, because it’s uncharted territory for the two people in it. I agree, however instead of praying that Yahuah hurry up and send our spouse, we could be good stewards of our time and ask him to prepare us for our marriage. These are some of the areas that I have been led to pray for regarding my future marriage:

  • ·        My husband is praying for me even before we meet and that until we do meet, we both have peace that we will meet each other in Yahuah’s timing.
  • ·        My husband is strengthening his leadership skills, learning more about what it means to be a Yahuah-fearing man, allowing himself to be prepared by the Ruach Haqodesh to be a husband and father.
  • ·        I am being fashioned in a way to meet the specific wifely needs of my husband and him vice versa for me.
  • ·        Whatever soul ties my husband and I have, be broken before we meet.
  • ·        If there are dark forces that are working to prevent the two of us from meeting, that Yahuah’s angels fight those principalities (think of the Prophet Daniel, Michael, the Archangel and the Prince of Persia).
  • ·        When my spouse and I meet we don’t hold parts of each other’s past against one another, but choose to see each other in the light that Yahuah sees us in. 

Again, these are just some of the things that I have prayed about regarding my future marriage. Everyone’s life circumstances are going to be different, so the Ruach might lead you to pray differently. The thing is, if you are sensing you are being led to pray, do it. Don’t think about the who, when, where or how, just step out on faith and the rest will follow in it due time (Philippians 4:6).
Anyone who has lived life knows that sometimes when you have the right thing at the wrong time, it throws everything off. There is a reason why Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 talks about there’s a time for everything under the sun. I know it sometimes feels like Yahuah’s timing is slow or completely off, but it’s not. We are the ones who have totally misconstrued what time is about. Yahuah created time, so I think we can all rest assured He’s got this.

I want to leave you with this, if you are content being single and believe that you are called unto a life of singleness, then continue to walk in that calling and grace (Mark 19:12). For those who are single and are wondering what to do at this season of their life while waiting on the Yahuah’s timing, hopefully this gives you something to ponder on and seek the Most High on how to proceed for your preparation season.

Until next time…

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