Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Joy of Being Content, but Preparing Ourselves for the Next Phase of Life

Have been doing some research lately and have concluded at this time I will be using the Hebrew names of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is my hope in a future blog post to share my journey to this place.

Jesus Christ=Yahushua Hamaschiach
Holy Spirit= Ruach Haqodesh

Hope everyone is getting a productive start to the 2017 year! :) Recently, I spent time reading some of my old personal journal and blog posts and I must say it has been interesting to see the transformation in how Ruach Haqodesh has graced me during the upheaval and curveballs that life circumstances have brought my way. One thing that I’ve come to peace and even grateful for is being single. The reason I say that is the more I have come to learn and appreciate that marriage is not something that should be taken lightly at all. I’ll admit, it the past I saw marriage through a rose-colored glass. I thought about how marriage would make me feel like I had reached a rite a passage in life. I do believe that marriage is important and know that Yahuah regards marriage as an honorable institution and holds it in high regards—Matthew 19:4-6/ Hebrew 13:4. I will say that as someone who is in a prolonged season of singleness, it does seem as if the Church has turned marriage into something that a person can “earn” as a high prize. Which tends to leave people who aren’t married feeling that until it happens they aren’t really living their full potential. According to 1 Corinthians 7:32-35, it says that when a person is unmarried they can do things for the Yahuah without distractions, whereas as married person’s ability is limited. With that being said, for those of us who are single and aren’t really wanting to be, don’t become discouraged. I do believe that our time as singles can be used for something greater than ourselves and just like there’s a calling in marriage, there is also a calling in singleness. One of those callings, is preparing ourselves for marriage. Now, please know I’m speaking to those who have prayed and know that they are to be married. I truly believe that I’m supposed to be married, but I should admit when I look around the prospects don’t look that great at all. But if I call myself a daughter of the Most High, I can’t go by what I see with my natural eyes, but what the inner witness aka Ruach Haqodesh instructs me to do. For everyone that will be different. Some need to learn how to strengthen their domestication skills (cooking, cleaning, budgeting, etc.). Others, how to improve their interpersonal and communication skills and resolve conflicts/issues better.

The area I want to talk about is one that I don’t hear mentioned as often as I would like. People need to learn how to fight for their marriage. I’m sure some are wondering how can one fight for something they don’t have. Simple, before something manifests in the physical, it starts off in the spiritual. When I look at marriages nowadays, even Christian ones, it’s a miracle that it’s an institution still standing. Satan has made it his business to destroy marriage in and out of the Body of Yahushua. Marriages and families are barely hanging on by a thread. I was listening to a sermon recently and a pastor was encouraging the people in his congregation to want to be married. He was telling the men to man up and allow the Ruach Haqodesh to lead them to their wife. He then told the women they needed to be still and not go around chasing for a husband, but to pray to be chosen. Honestly, until I heard this, I never considered doing this. Since then, I have personally been praying and marinating on that. This past week, I was impressed to elaborate on this. So now my prayer is to be chosen by the right person, for the right reason, at the right time. Now, I am going to break down what all this means and why it’s important.

Being married in and of itself shouldn’t be the goal. Being married to the person that Yahuah has ordained/approved for you to be married to should be the goal. Marriage is hard enough, so it should definitely be with a person who is going to be the right fit for you and vice versa, you for them. You need to marry someone who is going in the same direction as you and you both have the same foundational beliefs. Two people with two different views and standards in life will have difficulty in fulfilling the duties of a Yahuah-led marriage (2 Corinthians 6:14).

 The second thing is that someone might want to be married but it might not be for the God-ordained reason. Ephesians 5:22-33, which states “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to Yahuah. For the husband is the head of the wife as Yahushua Hamaschiach is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Yahushua Hamaschiach, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Yahushua Hamaschiach loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.  After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Yahushua Hamaschiach does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Yahushua Hamaschiach and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” 

 If you or the other person read Ephesians 5:22-33 and aren’t able or willing to fulfill those statues then, you and them aren’t entering marriage for the right reasons. One should really reconsider if marriage is something they are called to. Lately, I’ve been able to see why I wasn’t ready for marriage before now. I didn’t know who I really was and didn’t really understand and appreciate my created role as a wife and mother. I also know that I wouldn’t have been prepared to gird my marriage from the wiles of Satan and understand that to have a marriage that’s Yahuah-ordained, it has to be fought for every single day, just as I have to fight in renewing my mind on a daily basis. Marriage requires grace (and lots of it!), which I didn’t even know to pray for until recently. I know that people say there is no way you can be ready for marriage, because it’s uncharted territory for the two people in it. I agree, however instead of praying that Yahuah hurry up and send our spouse, we could be good stewards of our time and ask him to prepare us for our marriage. These are some of the areas that I have been led to pray for regarding my future marriage:

  • ·        My husband is praying for me even before we meet and that until we do meet, we both have peace that we will meet each other in Yahuah’s timing.
  • ·        My husband is strengthening his leadership skills, learning more about what it means to be a Yahuah-fearing man, allowing himself to be prepared by the Ruach Haqodesh to be a husband and father.
  • ·        I am being fashioned in a way to meet the specific wifely needs of my husband and him vice versa for me.
  • ·        Whatever soul ties my husband and I have, be broken before we meet.
  • ·        If there are dark forces that are working to prevent the two of us from meeting, that Yahuah’s angels fight those principalities (think of the Prophet Daniel, Michael, the Archangel and the Prince of Persia).
  • ·        When my spouse and I meet we don’t hold parts of each other’s past against one another, but choose to see each other in the light that Yahuah sees us in. 

Again, these are just some of the things that I have prayed about regarding my future marriage. Everyone’s life circumstances are going to be different, so the Ruach might lead you to pray differently. The thing is, if you are sensing you are being led to pray, do it. Don’t think about the who, when, where or how, just step out on faith and the rest will follow in it due time (Philippians 4:6).
Anyone who has lived life knows that sometimes when you have the right thing at the wrong time, it throws everything off. There is a reason why Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 talks about there’s a time for everything under the sun. I know it sometimes feels like Yahuah’s timing is slow or completely off, but it’s not. We are the ones who have totally misconstrued what time is about. Yahuah created time, so I think we can all rest assured He’s got this.

I want to leave you with this, if you are content being single and believe that you are called unto a life of singleness, then continue to walk in that calling and grace (Mark 19:12). For those who are single and are wondering what to do at this season of their life while waiting on the Yahuah’s timing, hopefully this gives you something to ponder on and seek the Most High on how to proceed for your preparation season.

Until next time…

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Great Video I Came Across Regarding Christians and Voting

Whatever choice you make on November 8th, make it with a sound mind and not fear listening to the voices of the masses. Take time to "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (in due time)" - Psalm 46:10

Until next time...

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Yes, Our Voice Matters... Are We Speaking to Who We Should be Speaking To?

Hi all,

I will preface to say this post isn’t for those who have decided they are voting this election season. I know when it comes to politics, it’s something of the heart and that’s only something the Holy Spirit can reveal and change. This post is for those who are still trying to decide if they will vote or if they aren’t voting, being okay with that decision. This is for those who want to make sure they are being led by the spirit and not the flesh (Romans 8:5). I want say to those who feel that this election is different than the others, let me reassure you, you are right. For a long time now I have believed that politics is a reflection of the hearts of those in society. What we are tolerating and accepting now wouldn't have been a consideration 10 or 15 years ago. However, when people individually start allowing sin and darkness to creep into and overtake their lives, then it happens on a societal level as well.  This is what we are seeing during this election campaign. I have heard it said that those who are considering not voting or those who have chosen not to vote are being cowards. I beg to differ. Deciding not to is not a decision that is thoughtlessly and carelessly made. If anything, it is made with much sobriety and conviction that I personally feel only the Holy Spirit can bring. It's so easy to swayed by the masses and to join in the arguments and shouting from either side, but it takes much discipline, restraint, and a sound mind to say, "Let me step aside, go to my prayer closest and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what I need to do in this situation".  For those of you who are still trying to reconcile the idea of not voting, I will provide you with some food for thought in this post for you to mediate and pray on.

The first thing I want to say is that both sides are wicked---neither have shown any fruits of living an upright life or one that reveres the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, Jesus Christ. I know some people argue that you have to vote for the lesser of two evils, but I haven't been able to come across a Bible scripture that supports that. Most of the ones that I have read have been along these lines--- "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."---Isaiah 5:20. When it comes to good and evil, there doesn't appear to be a gray side, it's either/or. I once heard a professed Christian say they believed that the candidate for the Republican party was meant to stand in the gap for the American people. I was taken aback by that, because I didn't realize that as Christians we were now looking at someone who has lived a questionable lifestyle to "save" us from ourselves. (Disclosure: both Democratic and Republican candidate’s lifestyles should make it pretty apparent and obvious they don’t represent Christian values in any shape or form). 

People say by voting we are standing for righteousness. Again, I'm not sure what scripture people are using to base that reasoning off of, but we know in 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." If we break this down it's saying that if those who serve the Most High and Living God would humble themselves and pray and seek His will (not a politician’s), and turn for their wicked ways (note---ones who claim to serve the Most High, not those who have decided to blatantly reject Him), then will He hear us and forgive our sins (note OUR, not the country's or the world's, but those who serve the God of the Bible as Lord of their lives). It also says that when this happens HE will heal our land, not some right or left wing politician, but Him. This reminds me of Exodus 14:4-5, where God hardened the heart of Pharaoh. This was done, so that the children of Israel would know that it was God who freed and rescued them and not Pharaoh (read Exodus 14:13). God refuses to share His glory with anyone else, including a president. If you read 1 Samuel 8 (the entire chapter), you will also see that Samuel tried to warn the people not to put too much hope and faith in a human king, but they refused to listen. When I hear Christians talk about this year's election it seems they believe that if we can get the "right" person in office then we will be able to "fix" the things that need fixing. Laws don't change people hearts, but only the spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:11-14).   I hate to say this, but issues that are we seeing in the natural now are because of spiritual issues/sins we chose to ignore in the past. People need to remember that the heart of the king is in His hand (Proverbs 21:1). It doesn't matter who is in the office. If and when God wants to do something he will use the leader whether righteous or corrupt to get His will done.

FDR once said that, "Presidents aren't elected, but selected". If that is the case, then why are Americans being encouraged to vote? It's not confirmed, but I have heard that when we vote, we aren't necessarily voting for the actual issue or candidate, but to give consent to this world's system.  Some people might think this is a conspiracy theory gone too far, but I do find it baffling that we have elections where the citizens of the U.S. cast their ballots saying who they want in office, only to have another group of people called the electoral college who are made up for mostly U.S. Representatives and Senates, who make the final decision of who gets in office. What is the point of having a popular election and then an electoral one? I'm sure someone out there can reason and justify the reason for this, but why propagate this lie that our vote matters and count when ours aren't the end all be all?!?! I do realize, especially as a Black person living in this country that the ability for me to have the choice to vote didn't come without some sacrifices of those who came before me. However, I also have to acknowledge that as a person who claims to be a child of the Most High God, I can't compromise my spiritual convictions. I and every other human being has to give an account on the day of judgement (Romans 14:12) on the choices made in this life. I am in no way perfect, but I can't go against of a conviction of mine to join the masses. The more I or anyone does that, the easier it becomes to start going through the wide gate (Matthew 7:13-14).

I'm not sure when and where American history got distorted. Growing up, I remember hearing how this nation was founded on godly principles and was once a Christian nation. Upon doing some research the past few years and more intensely the past few months, I've come to learn that's the furthest thing from the truth. Do your own research and learn more about Christopher Columbus, the founding fathers and their deistic beliefs/freemasonry affiliations, what the U.S. government is really modeled after, and not to mention literally building a nation on the backs of those enslaved from Africa whose reparations still haven’t been paid. Our country's history isn't as pristine as the textbooks tell us. When one is willing to see this country in its entirety, it’s easier to see that we shouldn't make idols of anything---including patriotism and pledging allegiance to anyone other than God.

As I mentioned in my other posts, I do believe that we are living in the end times. That being said, I don't know if that means we have days, weeks, months, or years to prepare ourselves or not. I do know that it means we have to keep reminding ourselves, that the world is not our home (1 Peter 2:11-12). We have to put on the whole armor of God on a daily basis (Ephesians 6:10-18). We have to allow God to circumcise our hearts (Deuteronomy 30:6). We also have to remind ourselves that we are warned in Revelations 18:4 that we need to come out of Babylon---we might not be able to get out of this country, but we can at least work on changing our hearts and minds not to be so easily accepting of this demonic world system. With the climate of this election along with everything else going on lately, it's becoming easier and easier to tell the wheat from the tare. The Bible does say in the last days the dark will get darker and the light lighter (Isaiah 60:1-3).

One thought I've had lately is that by not voting its good practice for the times we are entering in. One, it causes us to be more discerning and not do things because of the traditions of men and just going through the routines of doing what we've always done without an afterthought. Another is practicing the skill of learning to stand alone and being at peace with it. Peace is a commodity that many will seek, but few will find in the upcoming days, weeks, years. Make sure yours is anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing else (Philippians 4:7).

Until next time...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Wisdom of Life by a 35 Year Old

Hi Everyone!

Hope your week is getting off to a blessed start. I know that I said I would be on here more, but I’ve been going through a very interesting period the past few weeks. I know some people like to share their journeys with others as they are on the journey, but I tend to wait until I reach a rest stop or my destination, only because I don’t want to confuse others as with my trip until I know I’m for sure where I’m supposed to be. When I’m there, I’ll share more. Anyways, I had my 35th birthday back in June and thought it was time I posted my list of wisdom tidbits to share with others. Believe it or not, I started this list when I was 29 and planned to post it when I was 30, but time escaped me and after awhile I decided to wait until I turned 35. Needless, to say, this isn’t everything I’ve learned the first portion of my life, but they are the ones I thought I share since they have a universal thread for anyone who’s living and experiencing life. I hope you all enjoy!

1. Know your worth—if you don’t know it and show it, others won’t either. If you are alive, you have worth---if you are a human being you have worth, Christ died because He thought you were worthy. (Psalms 139:14; John 3:16)

2. Life is a serious thing, but it can be funny too---make it a habit to laugh at least once a day. (Job 8:21)

3. Don’t devalue relationships/friendships you had in the past that no longer exist. Just because the relationship didn’t survive the long haul doesn’t mean it didn’t serve its purpose. (Acts 15:39-40)

4. Be willing to forgive---it’s clique I know, but unforgiveness truly does hold you in prison ----emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and sometimes physically (Matthew 6:14-15)

5. Know when to let go---not everything in life is supposed to be forever (relationships, jobs, various statuses, etc.). Your life should be ever evolving and growing and growing.

6. When someone shows you who they are and what they are really about, believe them. Don’t try to justify and/or over-analyze the person (unless you are a therapist providing a diagnosis---smile). Accept the person at face value, be honest with you are dealing with, and decide if this is a person you should be dealing with at this season of your life (this does not apply to married couples). (Matthew 7:16-20)

7. Spend time figuring out who you are. Don’t let others define you for you. What you mean to others, might not be what you mean to yourself. Know who you are, so you can truly be you and do you as the Holy Spirit desires.

8. Grieve for whatever loss you encounter, but don’t allow yourself to get lost in your grief. (Matthew 5:4)

9. For Type A only---plans are overrated at times, be able to willingly and happily anticipate unplanned events in life. Doing so adds a little color and variety to an otherwise mundane lifestyle. (Proverbs 16:9)

10. Don’t be jealous or envious of others. Yes, they may have something you want, but you’ll never know the cost they had to pay to get it. (Psalms 37:1-3; James 3:16)

11. Limit interactions with toxic people. (1 Corinthians 15:33)

12. For women only: If a guy cares and loves you, you’ll know it. However, if you were emotionally wounded before and do not know what true friendship and love looks like, then you should seek spiritual and godly counseling (not kidding !) Don’t allow a guy to tell you he cares about and loves you, but isn’t able to back it up with his actions. (Ephesians 5:25-27)

13. Don’t let your 20s define the rest of your life---good or bad.

14. Stay the course, don’t give up on your dreams. However, if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt God is trying to change your heart, and because of that it will change your dreams, just accept God’s way---it may not be easy, but in the end it’s always better and sweeter. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

15. Continue to be steadfast and faithful when what you are holding out for hasn’t manifested, but God promised it would come to pass. (Colossians 1:23)

16. Try to develop a healthy lifestyle (enough sleep, eat well, stay active/fit, etc.). (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

17. Once a year try to do a least one thing that you don’t think you can do. (Philippians 4:13)

18. Have to do lists and don’t procrastinate too often, it adds unnecessary stress.

19. Try to figure out your foundational belief/values are before and during your 20s, that way you can walk into your 30s with more confidence.

20. Look at 12/5/10 for relationship advice.

21. Take time to re-evaluate your life periodically to take stock of whether you’re heading the direction Holy Spirit has intended for you. (Psalms 119:59; 2 Corinthians 13:5)

22. For ladies—always have tinted lip gloss and mascara handy---it can do wonders.

23. If you don’t enjoy your own presence, how can you expect others to? Be comfortable being alone and having quiet time and/or doing activities you like on your own.

24. Explore different places and activities when possible.

25. Live within your financial means. The less you owe to others, to more you have to sow to others.

26. If you haven’t done it yet, develop your quiet time with God, get to the point where it becomes a necessity to spend time with Him, not a chore, but something you truly can’t live without. (Psalms 91:1)

27. Celebrate and embrace humble beginnings. (Job 8:7)

28. Let your life decisions be led by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and godly counsel, not the opinions of others whose values don’t align with Scripture. (Psalms 16:11)

29. Lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He’ll direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5)

30. You are a gem, if someone doesn’t see your worth or value, it is because they weren’t supposed to. Remember, gems are hidden so they can be sought by the right person, job, opportunity, etc. at the right time. (Cool tidbit: the book of Esther, which in Hebrew is Hadassah and means “godly hiddenness”)

31. Question the status quo—don’t follow the crowd without having your own solid convictions/reasons for it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

32. Be appreciative of the luxury of freedom. Please don’t take for granted of our dwindling religious freedom i.e. having access to the Bible, gathering with other believers, being able to call yourself a Christian, etc. The day is coming sooner than most know where we won't have these privileges and this period of our lives will be seen as the "good 'ole days".

33. Develop your spiritual foundation, but always continue to be open to realizing that there’s more to learn. The day you think you know everything there is to know about the Holy Spirit, you’ve quenched the Holy Spirit residing in you. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

34. Just because society makes something acceptable, doesn’t mean it is. Culture SHOULD conform to the Word, not the Word to culture. This principle permeates in every area of life. (Romans 12:2)

35. Pray that discernment and wisdom are you constant companions; not everyone has it or will get it, don’t take it for granted. (Proverbs 3:13; Hebrews 5:14; James 3:17)

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What's Good Got to do With It?

Hope everyone is doing well. :) I decided to make this particular blog post short and succinct. I'm just going to throw this out there for whoever needs to read this now to have time to contemplate, meditate, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you about where you are. After all, at the end of the day when we are faced with eternity, it won't matter what others around us did or didn't do, but what we did.

We have to remember that being good doesn't get up anywhere with God if He doesn't have a personal relationship with us. Somewhere along the lines humanity (and the church) decided to substitute and blur the lines of goodness for holiness. With goodness, something that can be do in our own strength requiring no faith, but holiness is something that can only be done by the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. There is a reason that holy means "set apart". Have you ever thought how can we separate ourselves from ourselves? That's because we can't, Someone else, namely the Holy Spirit has to do that. This same Person will determine if we enter into Heaven or not (Matthew 7:21-24) Those who choose to allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in them are agreeing to be a conduit for what He's called us to say, do, experience at this time. The other camp is, are the people who say, "I'll do my own thing of how and when I please." Goodness isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't really require crucifying the heart and ourselves, because at times it can cause to be become more puffed up in our own works (Proverbs 18:12). Always remember, people can do good things with ill motives. God is moved by the heart. He's even more moved by a heart that is after Him (Jeremiah 17:10).

Until next time....

Monday, March 7, 2016

So....How Do I Look?

That's a question I ask myself every so often, but definitely not as often as I should. Sometimes during my "good" moments I think I doing pretty well living out my godly, Christian faith. Other moments, not so great. I know we are all human and no one is perfect, however, that should never hinder us from progressing and seeing ourselves grow. Better yet, other people seeing us grow and change. What better witness is there than other people to see your life continually transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit who resides in us. In age of self-help, self-awareness, self-gratification, self, self, self, as Christian we have to be vigilant about not overcrowding ourselves with self that there is no room for Christ's spirit to abide in us. Brings me to the scripture of Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". I believe that scripture is true and I've seen people, including myself using that scripture, but I have to be honest, I wonder how many of us misuse that scripture at times. The scripture is mainly used by those in times of encouragement , however, have we thought of using or applying that scripture as a reminder that we must allow Christ to work in and through us not only to strengthen us doing our times of accomplishing our self appointed goals, but also the goals the Holy Spirit is trying to accomplish through as well? The reason I bring this up, is because of a two things:

1. Not many Christians are asking themselves what does the scripture of, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" - Romans 12:2 really entail. The term Christian is used very loosely nowadays, so loosely it's unrecognizable at times (some days I even call myself a Christ follower to differentiate myself from the "masses")
2. There are Christians walking in the darkness, but think they are in the light (2 Corinthians 4:4; 11:3-5)---will explain more in another post

Everything and everyone is commingled together nowadays, it's very difficult to look at and see the difference between any two things. Why the Church isn't asking why this is happening is beyond me, especially when I think of the scripture, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; (2 Peter 2:9). Looking at the group of a whole of people who call themselves Christians (in the U.S.), we don't look much or any different those than who don't identify themselves as Christians. Not sure what criteria is used for being a Christian, just believing that Jesus Christ did in fact die on the Cross for our sins isn't enough since we know that even demons believe (James 2:19-20).

The conversations I have with people about their goals, dreams, ambitions sound great, but I often wonder how much of it was consulted with the Holy Spirit and how much of it was self. The more I learn about life, the more my prayer becomes, "Lord, I want to be kept" (Numbers 6:24). There so many things, people, ideas, etc. floating around in this world that it wouldn't take much to captivate our attention and distract us from where the Holy Spirit would have us. We can't be too prideful and arrogant to come up with our own plans and at the end use a "Holy Spirit Approved" rubber stamp on it. I think we definitely need to be looking ourselves (myself included!) on a daily basis and asking ourselves does my lifestyles, speech, appearance, etc. reflect that of a Spirit-filled, Christ-following, Bible believer? Do people look at me and wonder what makes me "different"? When I leave the presence of others are they in a better state? Am I being spirit-led or self-led with my actions and decisions? When we do this we are allowing the scripture of 1 Corinthians 3:16 to be fulfilled in our lives and living out His call for our lives and not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19).

So, how do you look?

Until next time...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

In a Limbo…

And okay with it. :) Hey all, I know I haven’t been posting often as I said I would do a few months back. Back then I was in a fog as I was praying, fasting, and trying to figure out what to do regarding my career. When I’m unclear about something, especially if it’s serious, I tend to go off alone and have quiet time to figure things out. I learned a long time ago in college when I need to find answers in the midst of confusion, instead of running to people, it’s best to run to God and Him alone. There are well intention people in our lives who mean no harm, but might not always speak the words into our lives that is from the Holy Spirit. The less clutter of voices and people’s opinions in my head, the better. So anyways, after a series of events unfolding in November I decided that it was time for me to leave my full time position as a school social worker. Honestly looking back at that time, it looked a bit impulsive and foolish, but it was one of those things when I thought, “I have to go now, I’m at peace with it, and I’ve always said that I’m a Christian and believe God to supply all my needs according to his riches and glory (Phil. 4:19), it’s time for me to be willing to stand on those words---literally”. When I decided to leave in November, I didn’t have a full time job replacement. By default I’m too much of planner to do something like that. However, I knew without a shadow of doubt, it was time to go and see what else God had for me at this stage of my life. For those who know me away from blogosphere, know that social work is something that I’ve wanted to do since I was teenager and being an LCSW is something that at one point I thought I might die if I didn’t receive that credential behind my name. Although it took a bit longer than I originally anticipated and wanted, it was all done in God’s timing (Proverbs 3:5). At the time, I felt like the children of Israel wandering around the in the desert (read the book of Exodus and Joshua). What I wanted was so close, but yet so far away at the same time.

Today, marks my 2 month anniversary of being a “free agent” so to speak. I will say that this hasn’t a piece of cake, but it has been much easier than it would have been in the past. In times past I would have been fretting about finding another job ASAP and being a “productive, working” citizen. I have to remind myself from time to time that this season is definitely a God thing, that if I use my “extra” time wisely—i.e. blog, get proper sleep, having the emotional and mental energy to give to those inside AND outside my circle, complete the things that I had been procrastinating for months, then in His time my next career move will come into play. The career move that I have been contemplating is not one I would have ever considered before this whole ordeal. After talking to 2 different people and listening to a message on YouTube, I’m starting to get the itch for it. I’m still praying and researching, but right now I’m at peace about it. One thing that I will say that I’ve learned and/or been reminded is:

• God isn’t going to change or move something in our lives WHEN and/or HOW we want (Psalm 25:4)
• We need to be able to accept and trust that the situation/circumstance is for our good (Jeremiah 29:11)
• This process isn’t easy, nor is it meant to be, but you do learn and grow through it all (James 1:2-4)
• Whatever plans you think you have, be willing to give the Holy Spirit room to move (also, be prepared that the Holy Spirit may be moving you to “think outside the box” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
• Remain grateful in the midst of uncertainty and be ready to cast down the feeling of doubt, uneasiness, and fear at any given moment (2 Corinthians 5:10)

On a side note: In the 2 months I’ve been off, I’ve received monetary blessings from two unexpected sources. Both times, I had to smile to say, “Ok, I know You got this, I’m on the right path, and I just need to "chillax" and do what I’ve been called to do at this season. Knowing you’re in God’s will and path for your life is the most satisfying feeling. It will always appear the risk is great at the beginning, but when you remove the soulish talk and fill it with things of the spirit, it really isn’t.

So for those that KNOW and/or feel that the Holy Spirit is calling you TO or OUT of something, be willing. He’s got this!

Until next time…