So it’s been 4 years since I last penned something here. I wish I could provide a good reason, but I honestly can’t, except I let life distractions get in the way. That and I do feel that I needed to be silent for a while, while I learned and re-taught some things that have shifted my spiritual walk these past 4 years. I have to say that if you would’ve told me when I was a child or in my 20s for that matter than I would be where I am today, I would’ve scoffed and said that the person was on a verge of blasphemy. I will say that outside of my immediate family, this walk has been a lonely, frustrating, and scary one at times. Some days it still feels that way, but the Holy Spirit has sent people and ministries in my life to let me know that I’m not alone, so that has always been reassuring. I will admit I have been having the writing bug for about a year now. I have been procrastinating or to be honest with myself and everyone else out there, rebellious about doing this. My reason was flat out fear. I don’t like being put in the spotlight, and I feel anything you use social media and/or blogs that is exactly what one is doing. The reason I’m doing this, is because two things. When I was a child I remember being impressed in my spirit that I would be an author, because I had heard the words “write” being a kid in the 80s/90s write meant a book, not a blog. Maybe there will be a time when I publish a book, but I come to realize in this day and age, one reaches more through this platform than by way of books. My other reason is because I see how lost, confused, and distracted some people are, and sadly born again Christians are falling into this category. I’m the last one to say that I have all the answers, far from it. I will say, that my journey in the more recent years have led me come to the biblical knowledge, truth and understanding of things that I didn’t know before. Religion and tradition can only take a person so far and nowadays it is not taking many people far at all. It is my hope and prayer this time around that I will present information to you for you to ponder and seek the Holy Spirit about. The reason I feel this is important is because we are and at lightning bolt rate, arriving at a time where what used to be able to sustain us spiritually, will not cut it in the times we are about to embark.
When you read words from this page, I hope you are convicted, I have believed conviction will move and change a person’s heart much quicker than condemnation. So just a head up, condemnation is not my aim. Nor is debate. I realize that not everyone will agree with any or everything I say on this page and I’m okay with that. However, I will not engage in debate. For one, debates don’t change a person’s heart, two debates feed the ego (fancy word for pride), and three, sacrifice of time is being made to write, so having a “friendly” argument is not something I will allow myself to be drawn into. I will welcome any genuine questions and or comments. I don’t have all the answers, but willing to search them (I’m a social worker by trade, so looking for answers and resources is second nature to me---smile). It is my prayer that as I type the words on this page and you read then, we will both grow closer to the Holy Spirit and knowing what He would have each of us do in these times as it winds up.
Until next time...
“Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice, indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” ---Exodus 19:4-6
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